Description of the organisation
In 2018, Uni Research merged with four other non-profit research institutes to form the Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE). Uni Climate will continue to be a self-contained department within the new institute and is now called NORCE Climate. NORCE is a broadly based, multidisciplinary non-profit research institute with 900 highly qualified employees from more than 30 different nations, carrying out research and development in the fields of biotechnology, health, environment, climate, energy and social sciences. Its climate research is run through the department NORCE Climate with particular strengths in understanding the Earth system across multiple spatial and temporal scales, dynamical modelling of the Earth system, and understanding past to future climate variability and change. NORCE Climate has extensive experience in coordinating and leading large national and international projects (e.g., the Norwegian Earth System Modelling Infrastructure project INES, ERC Synergy Grant Ice2Ice, and the Ocean Thematic Centre of ICOS). NORCE is both a partner in the Norwegian Climate Service Centre and one of four partners constituting the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, one of Europe’s leading climate research centres.
Expertise particularly relevant for the project
NORCE Climate has an internationally renowned biogeochemical oceanography research group with expertise in both modelling and observing the large-scale biogeochemical state of the ocean. The group is involved in several international data synthesis efforts (GLODAP, SOCAT), and has a leading role in the ICOS Ocean Thematic Centre. The group is maintaining and further developing the ocean biogeochemistry module of the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). Several group members have been involved in designing, producing, and evaluating ESM simulations, both in CMIP5 and in the upcoming CMIP6. The group is involved in previous and ongoing international projects that focus on ESM development and evaluation (e.g. EU-COMBINE, EU-CARBOCHANGE, EU-CRESCENDO) and has an extensive record of publications in these fields. The group has published several papers on modelling and projecting multiple stressors of ocean ecosystems and on constraining ESM projections using observational evidence.
For more information NORCE website.