COMFORT at the WCRP discussion series
In a joint seminar and discussion series organised by AIMES, WCRP, and the Earth commission on ‘Tipping Elements, Irreversibility, and Abrupt Change’ an event on the ocean as a potential tipping element took place on 11 February 2022 with speakers Christoph Heinze (“Ocean tipping points – an overview”) and Stefan Rahmstorf (PIK, Germany) (“Recent insights on AMOC”, AMOC = Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation) as well as moderators Didier Swingedouw (Univ. Bordeaux, France) and Helene Hewitt (UK MetOffice). Up to 363 participants followed the talks and subsequent discussions online. A number of important potential regime shifts such as the Arctic sea ice retreat, coral reef decline, and changes in biogeochemical regimes under further progressing deoxygenation were presented and discussed. A recording of the event can be watched below: