Description of the organisation
École normale supérieure (ENS): At the same time a French “Grande école” and a University. At the heart of the “Quartier Latin” in Paris, the École normale supérieure provides an excellent training, leading to various teaching and research professions. Through research, it contributes to the training of the senior executives in the public administrations, as well as in the French and European companies. The ENS also defines and applies scientific and technological research policies, from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. Intellectual freedom, multidisciplinarity in humanities and sciences, individual attention to students, bountiful campus life, gathering students and professors from all disciplines, forms the heart of the specificities of this institution. Since more than 2 centuries, the ENS prepares its students to the most various openings and the highest responsibilities, while being fully invested in the intellectual, scientific and cultural debates of its time – in particular through the multiplicity of the normaliens’ engagement. ENS welcomes in its 15 departments for training and research, 800 researchers and teacher researchers, 300 post-doctoral researchers and 600 doctoral students.
Expertise particularly relevant for the project
Within the department of Geosciences at ENS, the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD-ENS) hosts about 50 researchers, post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students. It is a member of the Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) that federates six large research centres, localised in Paris and around, and focused on environmental sciences. Its main objectives are to understand the evolution of the Earth’s climate as well as the dynamical processes driving the fluid envelops at the Earth surface. The research of LMD-ENS is clearly positioned at the same time on fundamental research of physical, chemical and biogeochemical processes, the dynamics and the physics of the atmosphere, ocean and the climate, and on finalized research, around particular questions relating to the anticipation of the global warming and its consequences. These scientific objectives are striven forward by the complementary approaches that go from theory and observing to modelling.
For more information please visit ENS website.