Contrasting drivers and trends of ocean acidification in the subarctic Atlantic

Pérez, F. F., Olafsson, J., Ólafsdóttir, S. R., Fontela, M., & Takahashi, T. (2021). Contrasting drivers and trends of ocean acidification in the subarctic Atlantic. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 13991.


The processes of warming and acidification in the subarctic zone of the North Atlantic are unequivocal in the time-series measurements of the Iceland (IS-TS, 1985–2003) and Irminger Sea (IRM-TS, 1983–2013) stations. Both stations show high rates of acidification with different rates of warming, salinification (water becoming more saline) and stratification (separation of the water column into layers with different densities caused by differences in temperature or salinity or both) linked to regional water circulation. Furthermore, warming contributes to the increase in acidification at the IRM-TS.