On 6 September 2019 the COMFORT project representatives (Christoph Heinze, Thorsten Blenckner, Dagmara Rusiecka) participated in a Coordinators’ Day event organised by the Executive Agency of Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) in Brussels. This meeting was dedicated to the coordinators of the newly funded projects which started in 2019 under the Societal Challenge 5 “Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” H2020-LC-CLA-01-03-08-2018 and H2020-SC5-15-2018 calls. The event brought together representatives of 16 EU funded projects, policy officers from the European Commission and project advisers from EASME.
The event:
• Focused on sharing information and best practices on some of the key aspects of the project management and implementation (open access, dissemination and exploitation, data management)
• Provided an unique opportunity for collaborations and synergies across multiple EU funded projects and European Commission representatives
• Enhanced understanding of the policy context to which the projects will contribute to.